Casabella Hardwood Sales in Cedar Rapids
Stepping Stones sells and installs Casabella hardwood flooring to homeowners in Cedar Rapids and the surrounding area. See what to expect from the process - from after the sale, to installation and ongoing maintenance. We're dedicated to giving you the best value for flooring near you - and remember, we're willing to try and match competitor pricing!
Hardwood Floors With An Elegant Appeal
The timeless look of hardwood flooring is an instant symbol of sophistication. With the Casabella® collection of hardwood flooring originating from all corners of the globe, even the most selective and creative of minds can be satisfied. Ranging from oak, maple, cherry, birch, Asian walnut, hickory and more, each type of wood offers a variety of traditional or hand-scraped visuals, and can be found in solid, engineered or locking constructions, so you can install them in any room in your home.